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News video games 11 April 2024, 06:36

author: Marcin Przala

Compared to This Game, Hades Seems Slow. Kill Knight Impresses With Darkness and Dense Horror Atmosphere

Kill Knight is one of the most promising indie titles unveiled at The Triple-I Initiative 2024 showcase. The game is expected to be released later this year.

Source: PlaySide Studios.

The Triple-I Initiative 2024 showcase brought us many announcements of indie games. One of the most intriguing titles seems to be Kill Knight from PlaySide studio. You can watch this extremely dark yet surprisingly dynamic game in the short gameplay trailer below.

  • Kill Knight is an isometric shooter inspired by arcade games.
  • The game is scheduled to be released in 2024.
  • The title is heading to PC, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, and Switch.

At first glance, Kill Knight is another title inspired by the iconic Hades - but much faster and more gloomy. Even though only a tiny fragment of the gameplay has been presented so far, it is already clear that there are many dead bodies in Kill Knight.

We will embody a betrayed knight who is thrown into the abyss and wakes up as an undead in the game developed by PlaySide studio. Our main goal will be to kill the last angel. Before that occurs, we will journey through the "five ghastly layers" that are filled with various monsters and horrors - which we definitely want to avoid.

Fortunately, we will have a large arsenal of weapons and skills at our disposal. However, in order to be successful, it will be necessary to demonstrate wise resource management and precision. The developers on Steam assure that an aggressive fighting style will be especially rewarded in Kill Knight, which is interesting.

  1. Kill Knight on Steam

Marcin Przała

Marcin Przała

Graduate of Journalism and Social Communication at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow. He has been interested in games from an early age, and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Dragon Age: Origins hold a special place in his heart. His passion for electronic entertainment led to the phenomenon of immersion becoming the subject of his bachelor's thesis. Today, above all, a fan of soulslike and classic RPGs. Besides games, he likes dark fantasy literature, and for many years he has been eagerly following the English Premier League, where his beloved club - Chelsea - plays.
